I’ve been meaning to write this piece for a little while but with current situation we are in, I figure more people have time to read so I can’t think of a better time! These are some of the blogs I read and they inspire me, hopefully you can discover some new content.
I am just going to order these in alphabetical order nothing more!
http://www.bnr34gt-r.com/ Ale has really been living the dream in Japan purchasing a V-Spec II Nur and converting it to Clubman Race Spec, luckily for us he has documented the process on his blog. Recently he has talked about his new car and given us insight into the greater Japanese way of life.
https://clubgrandtouring.wordpress.com/ Tad has been living in Japan with his R33 GTR modifying it to his taste along the way. He has given me plenty of ideas over the years and is a great fountain of knowledge when it comes to GTRs. I was lucky enough to ride in Tad’s S1 equipped car last year, as he showed us a few sights, it is definitely a well put together street car.
https://www.gtrusablog.com/ Lots of articles up on this American site, sift through and I am sure you might find something you enjoy.
https://www.japancarculture.net/ This is an easy to read site with many handy tips if you are planning to head to Japan yourself. Unfortunately I don’t think it is updated any longer, however it still has plenty of great content.
http://kanazawa-bodyrepair.jp/info/ Kanazawa Body Repair is as the name suggests a body repair (crash repairer as we might know it?!) shop in Japan. Now I am going to warn you their blog is seriously addictive – well for me anyway – going since 2007 there is plenty of content. They don’t actually post articles as such, they just show pics of the cars they are working on with a brief commentary. I think I have learnt more from this blog about areas to look out for then any other source! You’ve been warned…

https://www.melbournecarspotters.com/ More known for their Instagram page Melbourne Car Spotters also have a website with a nice blog. It is not updated that frequently but the articles are always a good read.
https://ofblog.nismo.co.jp/ This is the Omori Factory blog and one I read almost weekly as it goes through what cars are in for work (& what work is being done). Of course it also features new Nismo parts as well, you will have to translate the page (unless you read Japanese) but it is worth it!
http://www.r33gt-r.com/ Aki’s blog is the first blog I can recall reading regularly, started in 2007 it certainly has an impressive back log of articles. Another site that has provided me with inspiration over the years. Funnily enough I always thought it would be good to replicate Aki’s blog but for an R34 GTR, something I always thought I would do once I got my own 34 – turns out Ale had the same idea and beat me to it by a few months!
http://www.skibeemo.com/ Thanh runs a blog that combines fantastic photography with great writing, his series on the 2019 Black Label Invitational event remains one of my favourite pieces of automotive journalism to this day. With a good range of articles it is well worth the read!
https://sportscarsafari.com/ Aka ‘Any Given Reason’ this is actually a hard copy production as well but this site is updated on a more regular basis. Stunning imagery with some great stories.
http://whatadrive.blogspot.com/ I have looked at this blog for the content on R33s, another blog that doesn’t appear to be updated any further but still some good information.

There are some other sites that are worth a mention, these are more than ‘blogs’, more large scale sites but worth a mention:
http://www.speedhunters.com/ One of the biggest car sites in the world, I use to read this almost daily but as it has diversified to cover broader car culture (which is fine!) I find myself picking and choosing articles I read more.
https://stickydiljoe.com/ General car coverage (often from Japan or the USA) with what is a bit of a lean towards Hondas there are some great pics. I check in every now and then for an update.
https://thenaritadogfight.com/ Heavily based on Time Attack in Japan there are also some great articles covering other topics. Another well polished site with great pics.
Forums are another good source of information, no doubt these days they are less popular then they once were. If you search thought there is still some good information to be found. These are the two I read frequently:
https://www.gtr.co.uk/forums/ Traditionally a UK based forum there are enthusiasts from all over the world on here.
https://www.sau.com.au/forums/ Skylines AUstralia (SAU) is a great resource for many technical questions, etc. and if you are in Australia the answers are more likely to be relevant for you.
I couldn’t not mention http://gtr-registry.com/ whilst not really a forum or news type site, it is a GREAT source of GTR information with build numbers, colour breakdowns, etc. As an added bonus owners can register their car along with mods so you can see what other owners are doing.
I don’t watch a lot of YouTube videos but I have to make an exception here, 2PJZ creates some great vids with a lot of local content. We also did a little video together and I have included that below
I haven’t included any Instagram accounts as that could be a full article by itself! There is plenty of amazing content out there and finally I am sure I have missed some blogs (sorry!) . Hopefully this gives you something fresh to read, enjoy.