As I have mentioned in previous posts, it has been a horror season of bushfires across the country and here in South Australia. With that in mind @porschespottingadelaide along with @fuddsburgers and other generous sponsors, got together to hold a fundraising event. I headed along with a few mates, here is how the day went down:
There was a pre-meet for anyone who was keen to head along in a convoy, we met there before and had a quick look at some of the cars attending. As the name suggests the majority of cars were Porsches… there was a strong mix of old and new models.

Soon enough it was time to head off, the majority went up the old freeway before winding through the back of the Adelaide Hills, the final destination: Fudd’s Burgers. We made it there before the majority of cars so watched them roll in, a few pics below:

The idea for the day was if you had a Porsche you could trade a pineapple for a pineapple! What that means is you could exchange a $50 note for a pineapple, this pineapple scored you a park out the front of Fudd’s, a burger and a warm fuzzy feeling knowing your donation was going to help charities for the South Australian bushfires.

We then headed inside for a (delicious) burger and there was then an auction with a range of donated goods up for grabs. As we were leaving I heard over $3000 had been raised by that stage, a great effort!

Overall a great day with fellow like minded enthusiasts and burgers, how could you go wrong? Add in the fact money was being raised for charity and it was a great success. I am going to leave it there, I have added a few images below – if you wish to share on social media please credit and tag Kuro Sora Blog, thanks.