Recently Castle Car Media hit me up & said he had an idea for a shoot he wanted to do, would I be interested? The answer, of course, was yes! I thought it would be a good way to show what goes into something like this (& therefore why credit matters).

I don’t want to speak on behalf of anyone else (Castle, etc.) but for many creatives the process/ideas are probably familiar, along with the time taken and the general feeling about credit…

The shoot itself was about a week before Halloween but it started for us about a month earlier. I ‘only’ had to provide the car so here is a list of my activities beforehand:
- Location scoping, we were looking for a particular feel, I looked at two places, neither would work – 1 hour
- The car developed a misfire and I was pretty hesitant to drive it without it being fixed, obviously I was going to fix it regardless of going for a shoot or not. I won’t count the time here but it did add a deadline!
- I had to wash the car for the shoot, I seem to spend more time washing the car than driving haha – 2 hours
- Time getting to and at the shoot was not as long as I thought but it still adds up – 2.5 hours
- Editing pics and writing what you are reading – 2 hours

So for me that is a minimum of 7.5 hours now let’s add Castle’s time:
- I Location scouted for two hours, before I decided the safest bet would be somewhere I’d been before for previous dark looking work – 2 hours
- Getting the costumes prepared – 1 hour
- Shooting – 2.5 hours
- Editing pics – 6 hours

So that brings his time 11.5 hours so theoretically, adding it with my time, the photos you are seeing took 19 hours to take! That helps explain why if you are on Instagram and you post a photo someone else took you should keep it as they initially captured it. They potentially spent hours editing it, so you don’t need to add a filter… If there is a watermark it is for a reason, cutting it out is not cool! Provide credit – that means putting their handle in the caption (no being lazy and just tagging them in the pic itself, it is just not good etiquette). If you do this everyone is happy : D

Enough with the lecture! The photos themselves were a matter of trying a few things (I never thought it would be so hard to squat on one leg like it was, all while looking natural….). Moving the car a few times to get some angles and generally just chatting, having a good time!

It was pretty funny when, at one stage, a member of the public came riding past on his bike, slightly bemused at what was going on – that would have made for a photo if we had chased him with the mask and props!

We are pretty stoked with the outcome, hopefully you are too!

Happy Halloween! Thanks for stopping by…
Shoot Pics: Castle Car Media
Behind The Scene Pics: Kuro Sora Blog