All Japan Day (AJD) is the largest annual Japanese Car show on the calendar here in Adelaide. It has been going for over 10 years and the profits from the minimal entrance fee are donated to charity!
This year was the first year I have entered a car of my own (it has been on the bucket list for many years trust me!) but I am going to go into more detail on that in a separate post.
In fact for this post I am going to keep it very simple, what I decided to do was take a disposable camera and walk around taking pics with it (I also had my ‘proper’ camera – I will use those images ina mroe detailed post at some stage). I thought it would suit the laid back event and I told myself no matter how the pics came out I would have to share them all! So without further ado:

One thing I did notice with the disposable camera was the difference between what area was included in the view finder and what actually made it into the final images!

Like I mentioned at the start I hope to do another article using the images from my DSLR and go into a bit further detail about the event, some of the cars, etc.