Here in Adelaide we are very fortunate to live in a city where you can get to the hills so quickly and easily. There are some great driving roads, amongst other attractions, so I decided to head up for a quick drive.
It is no secret there have been some terrible fires across Australia this summer and unfortunately Adelaide hasn’t escaped the devastation, a large part of the food producing areas experienced a fire shortly before Christmas. With the fire now over local producers are relying on visitors, etc. more than ever to help them recover where they can.

They say sometimes in adversity that you see the best from people and there has been a campaign titled #buythemout referring to booking into local accommodation and purchasing local produce. A small way in which we can directly help others but when combined by many peoples actions will create a big impact. We stopped to stock up on some great local produce as well as grab a bite to eat, obviously I recommend anyone in a position to do so help out where they can!

Hopefully nothing too depressing there but a quick reminder of how fortunate we are with some great locations at our doorstep and how we can pull together and help our mates in their times of need!