No doubt about it, All Japan Day (AJD) is Adelaide’s premier JDM event, held every year for as long as I can remember, it is always a great day and this year was no different. You might remember last year I entered and covered the day with a disposable camera (if you don’t recall you can check it out here) but unfortunately this year I wasn’t entered. In fact, for various reasons I only got 45 minutes to rip around AJD so here it is:
I didn’t use a disposable camera this year either but enough about me! So this year the AJD committee came out and said they were stricter on cars they accepted for entry. From what I have seen/heard from others, combined with my thoughts, this was a good move, it allowed the quality to remain high and gave a little bit more space for the event. There were still 100s of cars on display and this year there were more vendors, food trucks, merchandise stalls, etc.
Increased scrutiny around entrants really resulted in a high quality of cars, everything from classics to 90s heroes, modern day models and anything in between!But just back tracking a step, I started taking snaps as I walked from the car into the event! There were some quality vehicles in the surrounding parks, tri-spoke goodness anyone?Getting into the event officially (which was only a gold coin donation for spectators, all proceeds going to charity!) I immediately noticed this R34 GTR – of course!I had to keep telling myself to look away from the skylines though!It was rewarding finding all the little details that make our cars ‘ours’.Colour changes are really becoming more and more popular these days as people look to express themselves though their cars.How about a colour change and a mini me!No this isn’t a model! It is a little Kei car (well all Kei cars are little I guess…).Speaking of models, here was another one riding on the dash.The matching full size car was @2pjz_ Tommi Makinen!@sti808 brought out both his cars, one in slightly better condition than the other…Hopefully not required!Flying the flag for Japanese cars.As always there were some tidy Honda’s on display.Speaking of Hondas, this yellow DC2 really stood out, with 641 Australian delivered models they are going to keep going up in value. Get in now if you want one?The B18 engine would be great fun at 9000RPM.Keeping the engine bay theme going this Tommykaira R33 GTR is always a highlight. The ARC (Abbey Road Company) air intake has always been high on people’s dream gear lists!Jumping over to this Supra and no missing the monster turbo!Or NOS bottles!There was quite a lot going on.The most expensive deck chairs ever!No arguments here!As usual in the centre of the set up were some of the feature cars, this N1 GTR with R1 engine being one of them, always a pleasure to see.Another car in the feature area was this high quality build S15.Apparently it was built for drifting, whatever the case it was built well.Speaking of high quality builds this S2000 reminded me of something from the Status Seasonal shows on the east coast or even something from the USA!In front of the S2000 was this bright orange R34, the owner has had it since 2006 and it was formerly white, the colour looked similar to that available on the R35s.It was rocking a 90s/00s front bar set up!There were various Subarus spread across the grass as well – some more modded than others.Long boi anyone?Speaking of long bois, there were some impressive Stageas on display. Everything from the Autech 260 versions…To the ‘standard’ models…And the M35 models, this one incredibly low!However, it was this Midnight Purple that caught my attention the most.Wearing staggered wheels front to back.It really looked fab!Well it is Japanese!There were various ‘S Chassis’ cars on display as well.Everyone was keen to get the shot!Number plate says it all really!Fastest R33 going apparently!Washed and ready to go for the day!I was really enjoying a lot of the stickers I saw across the day.I don’t know much about older cars but this Rolls was very nice.I had been really keen to see this car int he flesh, the black paint looked amazing.Fun Fact: I had these plates many many years ago (well before I had an R34!)Big wang gang as they say!Another spot heading back to the car for the day.Couldn’t resist a snap as I washed it before coming down!
Just like that it was time to go, hopefully you enjoyed my brief look at the day. The only thing I would like to change is entering myself!